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5 Questions To Start The New Year

There has been a lot of reflection over the year 2020. Starting January and 2021 off on a good note means learning from the  last year, and taking the new year head on! Let’s get you going into 2021 strong with a few questions to help shape your mindset! 

  1. What is a good word you want to describe you this year? Tenacious, Strong, Peaceful, Wise, Empowered, Determined? Pick a good word you can use to remember the type of spirit you want to bring into a room and the type of person you want to be in difficult situations and in daily life. Strengthen your mindset by getting a new focus.
  2. What is 1 actionable step you can make toward a goal you have? Think of one goal, then write down1  step you can take towards that goal. Once you have mastered that, write down another. But only 1 at a time. 
  3. What have you been putting off? If there is anything holding on in the back of your mind, you need to deal with it. Find a way to face the things you fear or procrastinate and get them out of your head. Go do something about it!  
  4. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Now this is a big question, but starting to think about it now means you need to take steps in that direction. If you want to have a certain job, lifestyle, fitness goal, etc. then you need to start acting like the type of person who can achieve it! 
  5. What brings you the most happiness in life? This may seem simple to answer, so write it down. List out a few things that make you smile and make sure you prioritize them in your life this year! 

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