What is the difference between aerobic exercise & aerobics?
Quite a bit actually. We’ll show you.
When we say that we do, “aerobically based CrossFit workouts,” many people think we do a watered down version of CrossFit. Maybe even step aerobics. You know, where they have the fancy leotards, stretchy pants & sweat bands. Some of it is true, most of it is not, but we digress.
There is nothing wrong with aerobics if that’s your jam but if you want to stay fit & strong then Ticker Training, or heart-rate based training for CrossFit is where you want to be. This is aerobically based fitness with barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, you name it.
To ensure that you are working within your means we take 180 – Age & get your Max Aerobic Function. We call this your M.A.F. This is where your body burns fat as a dominant fuel source. This is the difference between aerobic fitness (fat burn) & anaerobic fitness (carbohydrate burn). When the intensity goes up so will the likelihood of burning more carbs than fat.
You might be thinking, what’s wrong with burning carbs as fuel?Is that wrong or something?
Short answer, no, not wrong at all. Longer answer. It depends on your goals & what type of athlete you want to be.
Burning carbs is not a bad. The body needs carbs to be healthy. Cutting them out of the diet is silly. Burning them exclusively as fuel however can lead to surges in energy, the hi, & the low which can lead to a crash. Using fat is a more reliable, long-term source of energy. It can also reduce muscular swelling & inflammation which makes full range of motion difficult.
During class, it is our job to help keep you in an optimal fat-burning zone through modifying the session or even by making it more challenging. Whatever the circumstance we’ll ensure that you are in the right zone, train with great technique & accomplish your goals.
If you want to try Ticker Training, drop us a line & book your No Sweat Intro. We can’t wait to speak with you!!