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Ticker and Personalizing Your Training

Custom house. Tailored suit. Personalized shoes. They all convey a life of luxury, specificity & individuality. Comfortable & stylish for sure. Expensive? Most likely.  What ...
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How Ticker Training Breaks Down CrossFit’s Elite Stigma

Elite CrossFit serves its purpose of elevating the standards, providing goals to reach towards, elevating superior athletes and recognizing their abilities. Not to mention the ...
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I Don’t Like Technology But I Want To Do Ticker Training

If you were to say you don’t like technology, but you want to do Ticker Training, the first thing I would say is, you and ...
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What Should I Be Eating With Ticker Training?

By and large, if you follow good guidelines of eating vegetables, drinking water, and moderation with processed foods for your nutrition, you should be in ...
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What Does Progressive Training Look Like With Ticker?

Walking turns into jogging. A tricycle becomes a bicycle. A ring row becomes a muscle up…maybe 😉 The natural order & progression of many activities ...
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Being Coachable With Ticker Training

We can all think of the standout athletes on our middle or high school teams. The kids who often won everything with ease. They were ...
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Simple training Is Not Easy Training

How many times have you looked at a really challenging training session, got done & thought “wow. That wasn’t so bad!” It’s almost like you ...
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Competing vs Training & Knowing The Difference

Competition requires a different mindset than training does.  Competing is a short term focus with a goal of winning the day. By means of full ...
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Trusting The Ticker Training Process

 All sweat, no regret! No pain no gain! Do or die! Sound familiar? Most likely it does. These mantras have catapulted an endless line of ...
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How Slow Is Smooth & Smooth Is Fast With Ticker Training

  The phrase might have been popularized by military branches the world over but the principle stands true with fitness. Rushed efforts are sloppy efforts. ...
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