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How Slow Is Smooth & Smooth Is Fast With Ticker Training


The phrase might have been popularized by military branches the world over but the principle stands true with fitness. Rushed efforts are sloppy efforts. Those performed with purpose, focus & direction have more success. Ticker Training is no different. Here’s how we put this philosophy into practice.

When anyone trains with the Ticker model, in our classes or on their own, we encourage a slower, yet methodical approach. 

Take a few breaths before grabbing the bar. Check.

Breathe at the top of the thruster. Check.

Cycle breath while rowing, biking or skiing. Check again.

These slight adjustments take a bit of time to set up but enable the athlete to move better on a consistent basis, which is faster in the long run. We even walk, gasp, between movements, to bring the heart-rate down. The result? A recovered athlete who can do the same thing over & over again. Go figure.  

The training tips don’t stop there however. We incorporate the harder skill movements as well, like toes to bar or double unders. We do so by pairing them with a recovery bike or row. This teaches our bodies to recover while they are still in motion.  

You could even time your efforts for bigger olympic lifts. We often perform this set piece:

4 x Through:
1 Snatch or Clean every :20 seconds for 15 reps
2:00 Rest & Repeat
Add weight every set 

This not only encourages & develops proper form under a heavier load but strength gain as well. 

Even during competition the slow is smooth, smooth is fast mentality has proven itself successful time & time again. Rich Froning Jr or Matt Fraser anyone? How about Tia Clair? We recognize these athletes do not train with the Ticker model, yet the idea of smooth, consistent movement prevails. We do not need to be as strong or as fast as these legends, but if we can move as well as they do, we’ll be just fine. Why? Because we aren’t going to the games. We are training for our health. 

If you have questions about Ticker & training in a smooth & controlled manner, we’d love to talk with you. Ticker On Friends!!


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